Stillness juxtaposed

22 Oct - 4 Nov 2023

Art Atrium, Sydney

Installation view

About the exhibition

Dapeng Liu’s 2023 solo show invites audiences to a thought provoking exhibition that delves deep into the intricate relationship between humanity and nature. The artist has dedicated the past nine years to exploring this enduring connection and this new series represents a bold departure from his previous works. Instead of depicting harmony or tension within a single image, Liu’s new works dissect the man-nature bond into two separate paintings displayed side by side. The exhibition features eight pairs of paintings, each comprising two works of the same size. On the left, you’ll find serene and often abstract landscapes while on the right, Liu recreates real-world images sourced from the Internet, superimposing them with personal commentary on society, the environment, philosophy and consumerism. “Stillness Juxtaposed” promises a captivating exploration of our complex coexistence with the natural world and the present day man-made world of the digital age.

Installation view

Installation view